Muslim Baby Names Start With A

Muslim/Islamic baby names begin with letter A. Showing 26 to 50 of 916 names

Slave of the All-seeing.

Servant of the All Seeing

Servant of the Extender

Slave of the unseen.

Servant of the Creator.

Servant of the Extender and Creator.

Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance)

Servant of the Forgiver

Servant of the Forgiver

Servant of the Forgiving

Servant of the Forgiver

Servant of the Self Sufficient

Servant of the Guide

Slave of the Protector.

Servant of the Protector

Servant of the Arbitrator

Servant of the Wise

Servant of the Wise One

Servant of the Mild and Patient

Servant of the Patient One

Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised

Servant of the Praised One

Slave of the Merciful.

Servant of the Truth

Servant of the Truth